Each blog directory is classified according to various topics of interest, and you can submit your blog to the major blog directories.
You can then easily attract readers to your area of specialisation, and slowly brand yourself
as the expert from the many readers who visit these blog directories each day.
2. Search engine will rank your web site higher if you have a blog on your site. This is because search engine "spider bots" like fresh content, and with a blog, you can just spend 5 - 10 mins per day posting what you want to share for that day and that's it.
Do that on a consistent basis, and the search engine spider bots will come back to your site more
often. Having a blog on your own site is so simple my 9 year old cousin can do it, and you will
learn how in my multimedia course.
3. Blogs allow you to build and foster a closer relationship with your visitors and readers,
building trust and rapport. Blogs allow readers to post comments, and it promotes interaction.
With good relationship with your readers it will be easier for you when it comes to recommending
products and services because they trust you.
4.Blogs are a one stop push button publishing system.
You can easily set up a blog with Google's Blogger in three easy steps. Likewise, now that Wordpress has offered free Wordpress blog accounts, you can again easily set up your free Wordpress account.
With a blogging account, you can easily publish anything online, unlike the usual way of publishing where you have to create and edit the page using some web site editing software and uploading it to your hosting account.
And with Wordpress, you can instantly link all your posts and pages together, unlike your standard web site where you have to link web pages manually.
Blog saves time and is a quick and easy way to build an online presence.
5. Incoming Links
Blogs, especially Wordpress blogs has a feature called trackback. Trackback basically allows someone to post a comment on another person's blog with a link
pointing back to your own blog.
This is one way to get incoming links to your site. And we know that the more incoming links you have to your site, the higher your site will rank for certain keywords.
These are just some of the powerful ways Blogs can help with your online business.
These are just some reasons how blogs can help you in your online business.
About the Author
Brandon is blogs & rss author. He'll show you business strategies to get more responsive visitors, more sales, plus obtaining quick listings in Google, MSN, etc with Blogs and RSS.
(C) http://www.wordpressvideos.com
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